Adoption Associates is a Private Adoption Agency

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Are you looking for legal help to process a private adoption? Adoption Associates, Inc. has specialized in private adoptions for over 30 years. We provide full legal services and all associated paperwork for the entire adoption process (a lawyer isn’t needed). In addition, since we are a full service licensed adoption agency in Michigan, we provide services to birth parents at no cost to them. Birth parents receive social work services, resources, and support throughout the adoption process and beyond.

Adoption Associates is the leading private adoption agency in the state of Michigan. Adoptive parents receive a full spectrum of services when they work with us. In addition, every client receives personal service by a local caseworker who guides them through every step of the private adoption process.

Whether you’re already in contact with a birth mother, or hoping for assistance in connecting with a birth mother, we provide services needed. AAI supports all types of private adoption (fully open, semi open, closed, Safe Delivery). We carefully work with birth parents and adoptive parents to identify their preferences and make matches that align with everyone’s expectations. We are always close by to provide ongoing support and encouragement, even well after the adoptive placement.

Adoption Associates has a top-notch team of professionals who are well-versed in the adoption process and Michigan adoption law. Our team ensures legal compliance throughout the adoption process.

Adoption Associates is here for you. We serve adoptive families and birthmothers throughout the state. No matter where you are located in Michigan, we are your local private adoption agency.

Click HERE to learn more about AAI’s Domestic Infant Adoption Program.

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