Adoptive Parent Informational Resources

The following are resources related to adoption. If you have any questions or need clarification about a topic please don’t hesitate to contact your caseworker.
  • Empowered to Connect (attachment/parenting):
  • NIH (families researching substance exposure- search for ‘prenatal substance exposure in search line):
  • Creating a Family (all sorts of resources);
  • Adoption Learning Partners (webinars and education modules):
  • Heart of the Matter (education):
  • Kids in the House (all sorts of parenting resources);
  • NCFA (resources and education modules): https://www.adop
  • U.S. Department of State (international adoption process info)
    The Office of Children’s Issues (CI), part of the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, plays an active role in the intercountry adoption process. In their work, they are dedicated to assisting adoptive families as they seek to provide a home to orphans abroad. They carry out the Department of State’s responsibilities as the U.S. Central Authority for the Hague Adoption Convention. The Office of Children’s Issues is responsible for the day-to-day oversight and implementation of the Hague Adoption Convention in the United States.
  • Adoptive Families Magazine
    Adoptive Families, the award-winning national adoption magazine, is the leading adoption information source for families before, during, and after adoption. Whether you’re adopting for the first time, considering adopting again, or interested in keeping up with the latest adoption news and trends, the Adoptive Families Annual Adoption Guide will provide you with detailed, accurate information you won’t find anywhere else. You can subscribe by visiting their website.
  • Evan B Donaldson Adoption Institute
    Since 1996, the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, a national not-for-profit organization, has advanced sound adoption policy and practice for adopted people, adoptive families and birth parents. The Adoption Institute gathers, analyzes and synthesizes the best available information from research and practical experience to identify and develop the most effective policies and practices to increase the numbers of permanent and loving families for waiting children, as well as to provide positive lifelong experiences for all participants. Working with lawmakers, practitioners and researchers, the Adoption Institute strives to improve the ethics of adoption policy and practice, and the day-to-day experiences of everyone involved.
  • The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
    The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption focuses on increasing adoption awareness while supporting model adoption service programs. The foundation publishes one of the most widely used resources in the adoption community called A Child is Waiting… A Beginner’s Guide to Adoption. It contains a step-by-step process of adoption as well as various resources to help potential adoptive parents get some basic questions answered. Visit their website.

Discipline Resources



  • No Drama Discipline by Daniel J. Siegel, MD (book)
    The Whole Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel, MD (book)

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