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NOT FEELING VERY HAPPY ABOUT THE NEW YEAR?  As you flip the calendar over to 2016 do you only see monumental crisis and looming decisions?  If your heart is trembling about how to handle an unplanned pregnancy as you start 2016 let one of our caring, compassionate counselors come alongside of you to hear you out and answer your questions about making an adoption plan for your baby.

You can reach a counselor by telephone at (800) 677-2367, by text at (248) 919-8094, or by going to our website for live chatting (  We are available to connect with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week because we know crises don’t just happen during business hours.

You weren’t planning on this pregnancy, but we’ll help you take the first step in learning about your options. Contact us today. We will help bring a little happy back into your new year.

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