We really need your help over the next week to successfully ensure Congress has heard from our entire community that we want them to Save the Adoption Tax Credit.
If you have not done so, please contact your Congressional Representatives in the House and Senate.
It only takes a moment to participate, to let your voice be heard. Please take action TODAY! Click on the “Save The Adoption Tax Credit” or “Take Action” icons below.
“We are deeply concerned by the elimination of the adoption tax credit within the House Republicans’ tax reform proposal. Billed as a framework to help American families, it does exactly the opposite by cutting a credit designed to help American families adopt children. If passed, it will be harder and more expensive for American families. For the children in the United States waiting to be adopted and brought into a loving home – the current proposal as it stands will make that much tougher to do.
To read the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, view the full text or the section-by-section summary. Sec. 1102 repeals the adoption tax credit and Sec. 1406 repeals the exclusion for adoption assistance programs.