If you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, especially during COVID-19, you probably have a lot of questions. I’m pregnant and want to meet with someone about adoption, but I cannot get to your office. You do not have to go into one of our offices to talk about placing your baby up for adoption. Our caseworkers are available to talk with you by phone, text, email, FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp – whatever works for you. Even before COVID-19, our caseworkers were available 24/7 and were already great about working with pregnant women remotely.
We will meet with you virtually to talk about your options and provide valuable information as you consider giving your baby up for adoption. You may be thinking, I’m not ready to be a parent. Or maybe you already have children, and it’s not the right time in your life for another child. At Adoption Associates, we believe that “giving your baby up for adoption” is not really giving up a baby. You are making a loving, informed decision to “place your baby” with a loving family. Your child is a precious gift to the adoptive parents YOU choose. We have many pre-screened couples waiting and ready to become parents. When you choose adoption, you are giving your child a bright future, with parents who want to provide him with all the love and opportunities you wish for him.
Talk to our caseworkers to decide if adoption is the best option for you and your baby. Call 800-677-2367 or text 248-919-8094. We are available 24/7. Adoption Associates can help you place your baby up for adoption during COVID-19.