Dear Friends,
We’re so grateful that you share our passion for adoption! Yet, with so many uncertainties in our world right now, it almost feels that now more than ever, we need to do all that we can to proclaim the positive and life-giving choice of adoption for anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy.
But, our reality is that the expectant parents choosing adoption are often dealing with a whole host of other struggles too. And so we need adoptive parents now! In particular, parents who will:
–wholeheartedly embrace a baby of any race (about half of our placements are considered transracial; we particularly need families for African American babies)
–consider a baby whose birth mom may have used substances during pregnancy
–accept a baby whose birth parents or extended family have diagnosed mental health issues (anxiety, depression, bipolar, and even schizophrenia are very common in today’s culture)
—welcome a baby for whom we have little or no known background information (we also need home-study-approved Michigan families willing to consider immediate placement situations)
PLEASE help us! if you have considered adoption in the past, talk to us!!! If you know of someone who’s considered adoption, encourage them to talk to us! We need you! We want to do our best to care for these babies who DESERVE to be protected and loved.
If you’ve adopted before and have thought about adoption again, now’s the perfect time to call us! If you’re waiting with another agency, we’d love to talk to you! Here’s an easy link to our information packet – the first step is filling out a preliminary application: click here! Or give us a call: 616.667.0677. We’re happy to answer any questions!
Thank you for your help and support!