Do I Need an Adoption Attorney to Adopt a Child?

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We often hear the question, “Do I need an attorney to adopt a child?”  The quick answer is “No”.  Michigan doesn’t require that a family hire an adoption attorney to complete an adoption. At a full service private adoption agency like Adoption Associates, you are provided with all legal services, in addition to the valuable services not typically provided by an attorney during the adoption process.

Why isn’t an adoption attorney needed?

Whether the adoptive family and birth mother are already connected, or an adoptive family is looking for assistance in connecting with a birth mother, Adoption Associates can facilitate. We provide full legal services from start to finish. Your legal paperwork is completed by our experienced legal coordinator who has been working with us since 1996. Our caseworkers provide home studies in addition to all of the services that go along with it. And, professional profile services are provided to all couples who are not yet connected with a birth mother. Birth parents receive social work services, resources, ongoing support and 24-hour assistance. Birth parents are never charged for any services and 100% confidentiality is always maintained.

Adoption Associates provides all of the services that an adoption attorney provides, and more! Both adoptive parents and birth parents receive full adoption services throughout the process and beyond. Contact us today to learn about the adoption process! Feel free to email Laura at or call 616-667-0677.


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