It’s hard to believe it’s almost November! In some ways we’ve been waiting for this month all year – it’s Adoption Awareness month and we’ve got a lot planned!
Choose Adoption! T-shirts- These were the ‘must-have’s’ when we got them for our volunteers at a recent event, so we decided to order more, and make them available to you! Call your local office to order – we’ve got a basic Tee, a women’s cut Tee, a long-sleeve Tee, and a sweatshirt…. you’re going to want one, or maybe more than one! Prices are $15, $18, and $25.
Great give-away to current clients!- Check out the awesome little gift bag you’ll receive when you refer a friend! It’s all the coolest AAI merch – our new T-shirt, the great Choose Adoption! bumper sticker magnet, a coffee mug, chip clip, and more…. plus a $10 Starbucks gift card! Just send your friends our way – if they complete a preliminary application and schedule a consultation in November or December, the swag bag is yours!
All-staff marketing campaign- The AAI staff will be wearing their Choose Adoption! T-shirts when we head out on our annual all-staff marketing blitz — We canvas the state – last year we posted our materials and made visits to over 300 places from Benton Harbor, to Port Huron, from Mount Pleasant to Ypsilanti, and all sorts of places in between. We’re heading out again this year the week of November 12. We could use your help! Let us know if you have places you’d like to hang posters – like this one:
Bumper sticker magnets- Isn’t this great? Pick one up at one of our events or stop in our office to grab one, then slap it on the back of your car and you’re an instant adoption advocate!
A special thanks to supporters – check out this short video. We appreciate you!
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