I decided to plan adoption for my child to give him something I couldn’t provide: my full attention. The love for him I have is free and bountiful. Yes, I would have been able to scrape together food, clothes and shelter for him, but in the end my full attention would not have been there for him. The three children I have now and myself are still in a growing stage. Together we’re holding on, but by thin threads. One more thread would have unraveled everything I’m trying to mend in my life and theirs. I knew I needed to give my baby up for adoption.
Near my delivery date, my family began to object the adoption. But after carefully viewing the potential adoptive parents’ profile, many of their concerns were laid to rest. Something about their photo radiated love and positivity. I also knew in my heard that this couple wanted and desired to be my child’s adoptive parents.
Everyone at the adoption agency was supportive and encouraging, even after the adoptions was taken care of. This type of attention lets me know that it’s not just a business, but a business of connecting families. Through the options they give you, like photos, family history, letters, etc., you know that your child will never have to feel it was a hasty decision, but that it was a loving one.
27 years old
Three other children