Please join our nationwide call-in to the White House RIGHT NOW!
Please call 202-456-1111 and leave a message requesting President Obama personally engage President Kabila of the DRC to lift the suspension on adoptions.
Don’t delay; the comments line is only open between 9 AM and 5 PM EDT. We appreciate your persistence if the line is busy. Lives are on the line!
If you have another minute, you can also send an email (select “Foreign Policy” as the subject from the drop down menu).
And please forward this call to action to your friends and relatives.
Tragically, 10 stuck children who were waiting to come into their adoptive families have already died from preventable causes, including malaria and malnutrition. Let’s not let another child die. Nearly 800 more stuck children are counting on us.
Last week, 167 Members of Congress wrote President Obama asking him to directly engage President Kabila and resolve the crisis created by DRC’s suspension of Exit Permits for legally adopted children. Support to lift the suspension has come from:
Secretary of State Kerry, who met directly with President Kabila
Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Biden, in her recent meetings in DRC
The House of Representatives, which passed a Resolution to this effect
Many Senators, who are working to pass a similar Resolution in the Senate
Will you take one minute to add your voice TODAY?
If thousands of us call the White House right now, President Obama will understand how many of us care about getting these children into the protection and security of their loving families.
More details are available on our website.
Thank you for your support of these children.
Craig Juntunen
Founder, Both Ends Burning